Immerse yourself in the allure of self-expression with our Personal Jewelry Styling service. We curate customized collections that capture the very essence of what makes you, you. Enhance your day-to-day with thoughtfully selected jewels that exude your individual flair and of course, a touch of vintage charm.

For those seeking curated glamour and a captivating presence at special events, Romi Gold's Event Styling service is your sartorial guide. Our jewelry curation & wardrobe styling transforms ordinary moments into extraordinary memories, ensuring that your radiance becomes the focal point of every gathering.


Lauren Hutton, 1975 Oscars Red Carpet


Romi Gold, a master in the art of jewelry curation, meticulously crafts collections that capture the essence of characters, eras, and narratives. Each piece is a visual masterpiece, artistically selected to adorn every frame and elevate the overall visual impact of the production. Whether it's a period drama or a contemporary blockbuster, our expert styling seamlessly transforms characters into iconic figures.

Casino, 1995